Here are some amazing Chess Opening Tricks & Traps to Win Fast in the Two Knights Defense variation. I also have an interesting Chess Puzzle for you at the end of this video. Let’s see if you can solve that.
As you know, openings are the most exciting phase in the game of chess. There are various chess opening tricks, strategies, moves and ideas that you can use to win more games. In this video, I will show you all the Traps in the 2 Knights Defense Chess Opening Variation. It is also called the Two Knights Defense Trap. I will share with you some amazing variations to fool your opponent & checkmate him in the first few moves. These secret tricks will help you in winning chess games against your friends & other players who have not seen such traps before.
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How to Checkmate with 2 Bishops & a King:
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#ChessTalk #JeetendraAdvani
Ra5 Be8
Rh5+ Bh5
why not Rook to g7 then pawn to g5?
Puzzle solution :
We can see here that black's king and pawn have no moves at all (pawn on h7 is blocked by his own king, and king can't move on the g-file because of the white king or h5 because of the white pawn on g4)
So the only solution for black is to move its bishop…
But it's white's turn and can checkmate in 3 !!
The first move for white is Ra5! threatening checkmate on h5 !!
Since black can only move its bishop, the best move is Be8 protecting the h5 square (any other move leads to Rh5#…)
Then white has its second brillant move : Rh5+!
Now black bishop is forced to take the rook : Bxh5
Finally white checkmates with g5# (unfortunately black can't escape to h5… blocked by its own bishop)
Best move for white is g5 or Ra5.
Best move for white is g5 or Ra5.
As you told,the move is for white then he have to push the pawn forward to give check mate.
Puzzle pawn to G5
How to win if opponent moves knight first
1. G5 Kh5, 2. Rxh7
Ra2 be2 rb2 B takes P rh2 cheak bh5 then wkf5 bkg7 R takes B then easily mate. Another ra5 then be8 pg5 bkh5 pg6 cheak bkh6 pg7 bg6 then ng8 cheak mate. Another Ra5 Be8 Rh5 cheak B takes R then Pg6 cheak mate
I want to learn chess tricks
I this time i am doing it wrong thanks very much
Rxa2 then black plays either 1.Bxe8 or 2.Bxd2 ….so if
1. Then move R to b2orc2….so black has only legal move to move his bishop so wherever he plays Rxh2 is checkmate ….
If 2. Then Rxh2 so black plays Bxh5 then Rxh5 is checkmate.
Ra5 and now any bishop move I play Rh5#
It gives me goosebumps when I hear "Then he is gone"
The answer of this puzzle is:
1) Firstly , we can move the move the rook placed on a7 square to a1…..The natural reply from black would be…..To place his bishop on the c6 square to avoid the checkmate…… Then we can just move rook to c1…so the most common reply from black would be
To place his bishop on e4Then we can just move our pawn to g5 and give a check….So the possible move for the black king is king to h5 and
then rook to g1And then king to e5
Subsequently, the bishop will either d3 or C2 square……..To protect the h7 pawn …….and then pawn to g6
Here, there are two ways to capture the g pawn of white…….. Either capturing by the bishop which is placed on d3 or C2 square or capturing by the h pawn…… But the logical reply will be to capture the g pawn with the h pawn…now… King to f4.. Threatening a checkmate in the next move……. But then black plays …. Pawn to g5 giving a check to the white king…..And then rook captures on g5 giving a check to the black king… matter what black plays next (h4or h6) , white plays rook to rook to g8…… Now… Black can't escape from the checkmate……. Finally, white plays rook to g8 which is a beautiful checkmate!!!😀
hey dude u should make merch with "…Then he's gone" or some of your iconic lines
His target :3k likes
Accomplished:27k likes
The subtitle blocks…it's disturbing…
Pls do something
Lmao lmao what is this lmao 😑😑😑dalai lama🙂
Thanks for the video
First we play G5 +, kh5 then rook takes on h7
And we can easily promote our pawn we have rook and a pawn
R a1 or a2 black continued any where bishop because black king and pawn not moving and in next one or two move white checkmate at h1 or h2 chek
this answer for the puzzle g5+ Kh5Ra5 the bishop trapped it is in pin
I like the secret
Thank you for making this vedio.I win with 1800 elo points with an opponent in blitz 3 miniutes like and subscribe for that😀
We can play White's rook to a2.
It's a check mate at rook to h2,so he will have to resign or to play his bissop at e8.
After a check on h2.
He will defend with his bisso to h5.And then our final move is rook h2—–h5
♖ to a5. ♝ to e8.♙ to g5. ♚ to h5. ♙ to g6. ♚ to g4. ♙ cuts the ♟then we can promote to a queen and win the game
Sir you give one live chat
i liked your video thanks for telling a really good opening for black, answer to the puzzle in the video = Ra5, Be8, Rh5,B*h5, g5#
what happens if he took the bishop back to c4 int he second variation
What if s/he pulls light squared bishop from f7 to c4?
1. g5+ Kh5 2.Rxh7± and should win
Pawn to g5
Black move king to h4
Rook to h7
Black move king to g3 because it is the best option for black
Pawn to g6
Black move bishop to d3 because now it is attacking pawn and we can't move our pawn because Rook willing capture by bishop
White move Rook to a7
Now black has to move his bishop to e4 because if he doesn't take then his bishop will be captured
White Rook to a3 check
King to f4
Pawn to g7
Bishop to d5
Rook to d3
Bishop to c4
Rook to d4 it is check and his bishop is trap
King to e3
Rook capture bishop in c4
King to d3
Pawn to g8 it becomes queen
King to e3
Queen to g3
King to d2
Rook to a4
King to c2
Rook a2
King b1
Rook h2
King c1
Queen g1 and its a check mate
Puzzle answer
Ra5 attacking bishop
Be8 preventing mate in 1 by the rook
White check black with h5
Black take the rook
And then g5 is a smothered checkmate
Your style 😉
If he moves another knight for that king pawn's defence…..then what should i do…??!!
Put the rook to h7 on the black pawn
Why do you say he
Rook moves to a3 ,bishop e8 then rook h3 check bishop blocks by playing h5 and rooks captures bishop checkmate
I believe the puzzle is pawn to g5, blacks only move is king h5 then rook to h7. Is a beautiful checkmate.
4:39 believe it or not? Shoo I believe you! Lol
Ra5 after that bishop moves it to e8 to prevent a mate on the next move but for a surprise we still play Rh5 we have got black thinking hear anyway it's a check so there is no safe square for the king to move so only move is bishop capture rook but again for a surprise we have this deadly move g5 and the black king is check and mate
The best move g5
It will give check to king and also may lead to a mate by rook into the pawn
Rook to a2
I think g5 in winning
Great video.#ChessNation
White pawn sud give check to black king