The Ruy Lopez – Basic Plans, Ideas & Strategies – Chess Openings – IM Andrey Ostrovskiy

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The Ruy Lopez is an incredibly popular opening at all levels of chess, from the amateur player up to top level grandmasters. It is considered as one of the best openings for white after the moves 1.e4 e5.

In the first video of the series, IM Andrey Ostrovskiy is sharing with you some of the major ideas and plans in the Ruy Lopez, also known as the Spanish Opening or Spanish Game. The main focus of this video is on the basic ideas, strategies and plans for both sides in the different lines.

The Ruy Lopez starts after the moves:
1.e4 e5
2.Nf3 Nc6

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  1. The thing about the ruy Lopez is that you don't develop quickly enough

  2. Finaly i Found normaly chess coments, thanks

  3. I'm a hardcore e4 player myself. Ruy Lopez was one of the first openings I learned. Thanks for the vid!

  4. do you have a link to the board and pieces? thanks

  5. This channel is the best to learn chess. Keep up the good work and you will explode.

  6. Great explanation Andre…. Keep up the good work please…

  7. Great series on ruy lopez….very clear explanation

  8. I've watched so many videos on the Ruy Lopez game, this has to be the best and most simply explained one I've watched. Thanks a lot!

  9. I am pretty much a patzer and for once a clear cut video that explains things simply so I understand and come away with something practical. This is a high quality chess channel.

  10. His not only a high quality player but also a high quality coach with clear explanations of what is going on. So often you get great players who know how to play but not how to teach/explain /articulate.

    The explanation followed by concrete examples allows for a practical understanding.

  11. Thanks for this video. It helped a lot. Most videos I watched wouldn’t actually go into detail why not exchanging the bishop for the knight results in a good game for white, because it seems like retreating with the bishop to C3 is a waste of development opportunity and getting control of e5 very early on.

    Thanks for showing some possibilities for this line.

  12. At 3:27 you played two moves in a row with white. Bb3 then A4.
    How would black respond to the Bb3 move? b4 push seems nice covered by the Knight or Nd4 which forks whites Knight and Bishop.

  13. The explanation is not clear. What is the significance of d5? Why is black limited to either Nc6 or Qc7 at about 7:35 mark?

  14. What board is that ? Is it easy to roll up and take with you ?

  15. I am so bad lol. When I watch videos like this I feel like I understand everything but I feel like I'm playing such good players on anonymous lichess. They're always so fast and have a counter for everything I do. I'm ordering some chess books because my mid/end game is basically non developed since I don't really know where to learn that. I've been doing lichess puzzles 🤷‍♂️

  16. Since it has so many complex variations and different pawn structures, according to you what should be the minimum rating at which a player can learn Ruy Lopez opening theory?

  17. What are the major differences between giuco pianissimo and closed Ruy Lopez, other than there being no Berlin or Marshall to worry about? If GMs are concerned about the Berlin getting pulled out against them why not play more Italian?

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