The Legendary KING WALK Chess Game

Nigel Short vs. Jan Timman, Legendary King Walk Game.

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  1. I can just picture him holding back laughter as he started moving his king up the board

  2. he shoud have traded kings instead of qeens

  3. Imagine being in a brutal war, then all of the sudden as your castle is crumbling the enemy king just walks out and spits in your face while loading a cannon to blast you in the face

  4. Back in 2nd grade in nationals, I did a king walk where I got my king to h6 with my opponent king on h8. I had a Bishop on c4 blocking off g7 and a rook on a8.

    I played Kg8#

  5. Lol this king did a Thanos "Fine, I'd do it myself."

  6. 17:07 why couldn't he just take after he brought the bishop after shuffling rook

  7. I love these German words like zwischenzug and Zugzwang hahaha nice video btw 👍🏻

  8. 'cause I would walk 500 ranks and I would walk 500 more

  9. Seirawan used to also be known for King Walks.

  10. Man what a walk

  11. Levi you need to check out GM Abish Mathew's king walk😂😂

  12. To be honest I never heard of this game before. I've been playing for a few years now.

  13. if not for the title of the video I might have not guessed king h2 haha

  14. Everyone: King isn’t a good attacker
    Nigel Short: no
    Chess Gods:*agrees with Short *

  15. The black queen and two rooks powerless to do anything but sit on their asses and watch as the opponent king marches directly up to their king and then he resigns from the sheer gigachad power of it all

  16. A man and his wife finally working together to achieve their goals, such a wholesome family moment

  17. I played an even crazier king walk and won, though my opponent could have stopped it.

  18. "The king is a fighting piece. Use it" – Wilhelm Steinitz. Nigel took it literally.

  19. Not teasing the viewer and no deal bar no flags or photos I see the slight changes which you made over the years

  20. white midgame is so dominant, everything is attacking while suffocating black

  21. "both have the same amount of peices"
    "No we have a…King
    "Wh- we also have a king-"
    "Not for long"

  22. Just played Mr. Nigel in a simul… he really is that good😅💯🙏

  23. King:Were of the Same kind BUT IM FAR SUPERIOR

  24. The king: "and this is how I met your mother"

  25. nigel short is actually the grandmaster with the lowest iq

  26. 3:15 I'm just scratching the surface of 800 elo but I legitimately used that exact same counter the other day. It's really good cause you end up just a full pawn ahead AND remove castling rights

  27. after the splitting of the white structure, why didnt black move the rook to the open file on d8?

  28. Stockfish on my computer didn't even see the king walk at first. Bro literally played better than Stockfish

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