Queen’s Gambit | Basic Ideas, Plans & Strategies | Chess Openings | Andrey Ostrovskiy

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The Queen’s Gambit is one of the oldest and most popular openings in chess and is played by many of the top chess players in the world. White is fighting in a very ambitious way for central squares, in particular for the e4-square. Therefore, he is trying to get rid of black’s d5-pawn in order to have better control over the e4-square.

In the first video of the series, IM Andrey Ostrovskiy is sharing with you some of the major variations in the Queen’s Gambit. The main focus is here on the main strategies and plans for both sides in the different lines.

The Queen’s Gambit is characterized by the following moves:

1.d4 d5 2.c4

Black has several major options here, but the main continuations are 2… dxc4 the Queen’s Gambit Accepted, 2…e6 the Queen’s Gambit Declined and 2…c6, the Slav Defense.

The main variations covered in the video are:

3:27 – Queen’s Gambit: Accepted 2…dxc4
7:38 – Queen’s Gambit: Declined 2…e6
9:42 – Queen’s Gambit: Declined 3…c5 (Tarrasch Defense)

After watching this video, you will notice, that in the Queen’s Gambit Accepted and Declined, we deal in many cases with isolated pawn (in particular with the IQP) and hanging pawn positions. Both, positions with isolated and hanging pawns are classical strategic patterns. By learning and playing the Queen’s Gambit Accepted and Queen’s Gambit Declined you will actually not only learn the opening but also one of the most important strategic patterns in the middlegame. Therefore, if you learn how to play these positions, you will be perfectly prepared for playing these isolated and hanging pawn patterns that may arise from any other opening. That’s why it is so beneficial to learn the Queen’s Gambit.

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  1. Thanks for that! That was some great explanation of the basic plans on Queen's Gambit! Really appreciate it! Looking forward to study all the course! Also, it makes a good difference that you play on an actual board!

  2. I have a question . In the early configuration of queens gambit; with black playing e6 on turn two , why Kc3 vs. Kf3 on the front end of turn ?

  3. I just won OTB thanks to this video! It was a QGA (accepted) and I played white 😀

  4. Awesome video! Really clear and logical explanations of the ideas

  5. Thanks for great teaching on the Queen's Gambit .I like your clear explainations .

  6. this channel is so important to me. I love chess but I have never been in a chess club, so often I am at a disadvantage when I am playing people who have knowledge of opening theory… Not anymore 🙂

  7. Отличный урок. Акцентом восторгаюсь, практически отсутствует, очень приятно слушать

  8. It is nice to see the openings on a physical chess board rather than a computer

  9. Hi Andrey, Thanks for great presentation. I was not able to find this course on chess factor. Where can i find full version?

  10. Sir please tell me which opening the black could do also tell me how can we play against these opening

  11. After qf3, it is possible to protect the rook. (Qf3, Nc6, Qxc6+, Bd7) and blacks queen is protecting the rook! 🙂 Just wanted to clarify that if you are in this situation as black 🙂

  12. Nice video! It explains the variations really well, and also how to defend against this gambit. I've been playing a bit of queen's gambit without even knowning the theory, and I think it has worked really well to facilitate center control and development for me. It's a really strong opening!

  13. But what to do if they dont respond with that pawn xD

  14. 7:45 I've seen this development white bishop to G5 many times, but can't understand why not for the black to just attack that bishop with a pawn to H6?

  15. Thanks! Very clear explanation! I subscribed recently to chessfactor and I think it's one of the best chess website I ever found!

  16. I still don't get what happens when they have an isolated pawn. I don't really see a good way to capture it.

  17. Can you post a link to purchase the chessboard you’re using? I’ve been looking for a really classic tournament set like that

  18. Wow I found this youtube channel and I so glad

  19. Why is Bishop g5 pinning the knight a good move? The way I see it you just play pawn h6 and know bishop has to go back or force to trade, which leads to no gain in material.

  20. awesome video. I like how to give tips for both white and black pieces. You definitely got a subscriber

  21. this is the best chess chanel every thing is detailed and explained

  22. Playing queens gambit makes me feel like I’m just playing London system

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