In The Style of Mikhail Tal!


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Isanzhulov, Arystan (2440) – Dubov, Daniil (2763) 1/2-1/2
FIDE World Rapid & Blitz Team Chess Championships 2024 ( [02] 2024.08.01
A46 Queen’s pawn game

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.d4 exd4 5.Nxd4 Bb4 6.Nxc6 bxc6 7.Bd3 O-O 8.O-O Re8 9.Qf3 Rb8 10.Be3 Bd6 11.Rab1 a5 12.Bf4 Bxf4 13.Qxf4 d6 14.b3 Nd7 15.Rbd1 Ne5 16.Be2 c5 17.Qd2 Bb7 18.f4 Nd7 19.e5 Nf8 20.exd6 cxd6 21.Bf3 Bxf3 22.Rxf3 Ne6 23.Nd5 Nd4 24.Rf2 Qh4 25.c3 Nf5 26.Re2 Qg4 27.Rde1 Rxe2 28.Rxe2 h5 29.Qd3 h4 30.Re1 Kh8 31.Kf2 Nh6 32.Kg1 Qh5 33.Ne3 h3 34.Qd5 Qg6 35.g3 Re8 36.Kf1 Qf6 37.Qd3 Re6 38.Re2 Qe7 39.Nd5 Qb7 40.c4 Qc6 41.g4 Rxe2 42.Qxe2 Qd7 43.f5 Qd8 44.f6 gxf6 45.Qe3 Kg7 46.Qxh3 a4 47.bxa4 Qa5 48.Qc3 Qxa4 49.Nxf6 Qd1+ 50.Kf2 Kg6 51.h3 Qh1 52.Nh5 Qh2+ 53.Ke1 Qg1+ 54.Ke2 Qg2+ 55.Kd1 Qf1+ 56.Kc2 Qg2+ 57.Kb3 Qb7+ 58.Ka3 Qa8+ 59.Kb2 Qb7+ 60.Qb3 Qe7 61.a4 f5 62.Nf4+ Kg5 63.Nd5 Qe5+ 64.Qc3 fxg4 65.Qxe5+ dxe5 66.hxg4 Nf7 67.a5 Nd6 68.Kb3 Kxg4 69.a6 Nc8 70.Nf6+ Kf5 71.Nd7 e4 72.Kc3 e3 73.Kd3 e2 74.Kxe2 Ke4 75.Nxc5+ Kd4 76.Nb7 Kxc4 77.Nd6+ Kc5 78.Nxc8 Kc6 79.Kd3 Kc7 80.a7 Kb7 81.Kc4 Ka8 82.Kc5 Kb7 83.Kd6 Ka8 84.Kc6

Dubov, Daniil (2802) – Isanzhulov, Arystan (2465)
FIDE World Rapid & Blitz Team Chess Championships 2024 ( [07] 2024.08.04
A46 English Opening: Anglo-Indian, Queen’s Knight Variation

1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 d6 3.c4 g6 4.Nc3 Bf5 5.Qb3 b6 6.e4 Bxe4 7.Nxe4 Nxe4 8.h4 h6 9.g4 Bg7 10.Bd3 Nf6 11.g5 Ng4 12.h5 hxg5 13.Bxg5 Qd7 14.Kf1 Nc6 15.Be4 Rb8 16.Re1 Nf6 17.Bxc6 Qxc6 18.h6 Rh7 19.hxg7 Rxh1+ 20.Kg2 Rxe1 21.Bxf6 Kd7 22.d5 Qc5 23.Nxe1 exf6 24.Qh3+


0:00 Hello Everyone
13:31 Blitz game

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  1. I went back in time to watch the Tal vs Sviridov Game 7 yrs ago Great Game I can see how it mirrored this one Tal so spectacular in that game Agadmator gained some weight and improved on his English since showing that game you sounded all business there going straight into the moves you definitely have a more relaxed style nowadays Enjoy the day thanks

  2. I love attackers and fighting games. Positional chess guys, like the old Soviets, Carlsen, etc. just bore the hell out of me.

  3. I'll always say no to clicking dubov's game. So boring chess player

  4. I like the commentary "fast forward"… 😀 lol
    and now…
    A series of checks…Incoming! D: 09:25

  5. Dubov will become world Champion very soon. He plays rapid game like real classical game.❤

  6. Something you would use against your uncle, maybe:)

  7. Dubov constantly playing interesting Chess. It is actually quite amazing how he is able to keep it up. I love seeing other GMs play but his style is rather artistic.

  8. Never seen an endgame where having a doubled pawn leads to a win!
    🏆Achievement unlocked🏆

  9. Novice or beginner is pronounced: "no.vuhs" or no.vees*

  10. The best click bait ever in any chess channel is dubov

  11. Another classic video Agadmator! Thanks for a great video 🙂

  12. counter strike player bro. he's a gamer

  13. I really hope Dubov is a huge fan of Agad 🙏🏼

  14. almost drawing = losing 😁unless you are Giri, in which case wining = almost drawing, too. 🙂

  15. I was out for a long time, why was the little robot replaced by Medo? Also, Medo is not in the background of the recent videos I watched. Is there something that happened to the chess dog?

  16. I see queen against knights and click

  17. No one is talking abt how fiercly Arystan played!

  18. Dubov is really one of the few players worth watching❤❤❤

  19. In the Blitz game – 'the pause the moment' moment 😀, Playing Qa4 straight up wins too, doesn't it? Black doesn't seem to have any proper defense, …Qc6 or Kc8 don't seem like they'll hold for long

  20. I’m not trying to criticize or nitpick you Agadmator, just trying to help out.
    I think you’re saying he’s a novice counterstrike player, is that right? I couldn’t understand what you meant at first because of the pronunciation. If that is indeed the word, then it’s pronounced ‘nah viss’, not ‘no vice’.
    Again, I’m not trying to harass or criticize, just trying to help add to your vast knowledge since you always teach so much to me and add so much to my not so vast knowledge.

    Thank you for all your hard work, I watch you every single day.

  21. Arystan played so well in the first game. He didn't deserve a draw 😢

  22. He should really return to chess. He held Dubov. What a guy.

  23. instead of Qh8 why not play b3 first? Qh8 still seems to be on

  24. Knight vs. pawns has good drawing chances in many cases

  25. I want to see Duvob vs Tal game that would be Spectacular ❤😂😂😂

  26. And I especially like the BS when it's "known theory". It's really memorized boring moves from the "engine" !

  27. Amazing Dubov is not in every single candidates. He's such a monster! Seems like he plays Chess for fun. lol

  28. You are my favourite Youtube channel 🙂

  29. A genius who doesn't see his own creation is no genius at all🤣🤣🤣

  30. I mean, Qc3 is a great move. But my first instinct was Nxf6. Looks also winning. Just wondering why it wouldn't be

  31. Dubov is not the new Tal, he is the only Daniel Dubov

  32. There is a professional Mongolian Counter Strike player named Byambasuren "bLitz" Garidmagnai, who is a very successful player but also is rated 2.3k rating FIDE Master. I love when these two games meet.

  33. So Dubov gives up two rooks 'for activity'! Think he must live for adrenalin. Was sure the line in the pause the video moment was N-e5 ch, then Q-R4 ch, but couldn't find the finish.

  34. These poor IMs getting experimented on like Fauci’s bats

  35. Sun Tsu: "Burn our food and shave our heads!"
    General: "So the enemy now got our food?"
    Sun: "No, you babbling fool; so we know what corpses to eat!!" -Tales from The Art of Sishgebab

  36. 20 move line I couldn’t spot if you gave me an engine “Dubov didn’t spend a second calculating it”

  37. Game was good until half way through …

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