How To Spot “Hidden” Tactics In Your Games – Tricky Chess Tactics Lesson

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  1. 🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:00:00 📚 Tactical Missed Opportunity– Tactical ideas can unexpectedly arise, requiring readiness.- Importance of being prepared for tactical moves even in blitz games.- Analyzing a specific game position to identify a missed tactical opportunity.04:13 🤔 Pawn Tension Decision– Evaluating options in a position with pawn tension.- Choosing between capturing or maintaining pawn tension.- Considerations of opening up rooks and potential weaknesses.08:24 🔍 Uncovering Hidden Forks– Emphasizing the importance of scanning for major piece alignments.- Demonstrating a hidden fork and its impact on the game.- Advising constant awareness of undefended pieces and potential threats.11:26 ⚔️ Counterattacking in Blocked Positions– Opting for counterattacks when faced with positional challenges.- Choosing aggressive moves to create threats.- Assessing the position and avoiding passive defense.13:19 🧠 Seizing Checkmating Opportunities– Identifying checkmating opportunities in complex positions.- Recognizing sacrificial sequences leading to checkmate.- Emphasizing the importance of exploring various tactical possibilities.Made with HARPA AI

  2. This is truly amazing. Fun fact, I actually cheated when you told me to pause the video and think and I went to Lichess and put the pieces together. Funny thing is stockfish actually prefers the move you did, knight to b5 for whatever reason. Regardless, great video lol

  3. I found the tactical move (not knowing it was the tactical move) but didn’t really get the idea behind it cause I have a low elo.

  4. 12:21 I saw 20. a5 here, but thought Black's … Nc4 followed by … Qxb5 won a piece but kept the position closed enough.What I considered was a sacrifice: 20. Ra2 ab 21. ab Qxb5 22. Rfa1, doubling up the rooks on the now-open a-file. 13:46 I saw that Qxe5+ was probably the best move, but not the rook sacrifice. (Maybe I can't think 6 moves ahead. 8-( )

  5. That is zchech pirc another greate opening

  6. At 13:50, e5! is also mate in two after his rook and queen sacrifice.

  7. This was really informative
    Btw nice game! I would have missed this tactic and played knight b5 too

  8. Excellent approach! Enlightening! Please, more like that!

  9. Yeah I definitely stay away from blitz games. Good info! Thank you

  10. superb videos on your channel. Keep Going !!

  11. this video was very effective to me thank you soo much sir please keep making these kind of videos

  12. 11:32 Could you play Qg5 here, planning to take on e5 with check after black takes the knight, and then taking back on b5 with the pawn, opening up the rook for an attack?

  13. Easily one of the best channels on YouTube, brief analysis, occasional fun tournaments and the content creator cares for the audience as well, reading everyone's comments, doesn't miss a single comment in the live chat either. Keep up the good and high quality content, Master!

  14. Is that a King's Indian I see behind you? And black to move?

  15. 5:50 — Don't worry that you missed Nd5, Nelson. I would have missed that too in all likelihood and went Nb5.

    As for the position prior to the pause being not as equal as it looked, I believe White was in a superior position here because of the bishops (and eventually the queen) having accessible diagonals to wreak havoc on Black's defense while his lone bishop is kinda doing much of nothing. (and undefended to boot)

  16. 12:15 and also if u take and he takes u get the a file open and i saw that straight away 🙂

  17. Me: i thought im good nvm
    Also me: ill play h1 so i can be in a safer wall

  18. Hey man, could you add the PGN files of the games you look at in the description so we can explore it more easily? Cheers 🙂

  19. It doesn't matter who goes first, nobody can match her perfected creativity. Tonight's Chess Night Action:

    Black Queen Katana

  20. I've been doing lots of puzzles lately, hence I found that fork befor u explained

  21. i play this variation of pirc myself and haven't seen bc5/qb6 tactic before watching this (i always assumed when kh1 happens, they're about to pawn storm, then i wonder why they don't). if you ever have time please do a d4 course too. of all the chess streamers, your channel and the 1500 course has helped me the most. i never thought i'd ever reach 1600, when you said it could take as little 6 months to go from 1000 to 1500, i remember laughing because i'd been plateauing/tilting for over four months. then i watched your course, (plateaued some more) and sure enough i was able to go from 1000 to 1600 in eight months, thank you so much

  22. You either didn't see Nd5 and would have gone Nb5 or you saw Nd5 and the exchanges on d5 but you missed Qg4+ winning a piece.

  23. 7:54 also exemplifies your lesson at 2:37 for why you should move your king out of the way proactively.

  24. Very good stuff. Thank you. This reminds me about Alekhine combinations.

  25. 13:53 you can also go e5, force them to sac the Queen again and even torture them with Bxb7+, then Ka7, then just go Bf3#. DISCOVER mate.

    or just Qxb7# if you don't feel like trolling

  26. After Nd5 Nxd5, exd5 Nxd5, White could also play c4, attacking the pinned knight with a pawn. If the pawn takes the knight, the c file will be opened up for White's rooks. Stockfish says c4 is best — better than Bxd5. If c4 Nxe3, Bxc6 Nxf1, Bd5! and after … Nd2, a3 Ba5, b4 White gets the knight and keeps their bishop. After c4, Black could try … e4, Bxe4 Rhe8, but after cxd5, the Black queen has few good squares ( … Qe6?? Bf5 pinning the Q to the K). In any case, White will be up material.

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