What’s going on chess YouTube! In today’s video Hans Niemann plays a queen sacrifice against Alireza Firouza that will blow your mind. Now this game took place in the chess.com titled Tuesday tournament in may 2024, and it was just unbelievable.
Now in the game Hans Niemann opens 1.e4 and the game transposes into a weird Anti-Sicilian / Open Sicilian hybrid after the moves 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.b3 b6 4.d4 – we essentially get a Sicilian Kan style position with the moves b3 and b6 inserted.
Has Niemann is a bit of a specialist in this line as he plays it A LOT on chess.com blitz games, so its interesting to see how he handles the position!
Of course the game really turns spicy when Hans Niemann goes for the Alpha-Zero computer style idea with h2-h4-h5, creating a permanent wedge in the black position.
And as for the epic queen sacrifice that Hans Niemann plays in this game… you just have to watch the full game to see it in action! I’m not giving anything away here!
#chess #chessgame #hasniemann #alirezafirouza #hikaru #gothamchess #magnuscarlsen
Thank you Youtube for the fast forward option
excellent commentary,thank you
nice ! What about the PGN ? that would also be an awesome habbit !
That knight fork was the cherry on top indeed 🍒
Phineas really giving us the commentary on this game.
Firouza sometimes takes games too lightly
diabolical sacrifice idea
you're way better than most channels at explaining the positions and tactics
I love it when Hans gets his big sac out over the board
Amazing game 👍