Halosar Trap: Chess Opening TRICK to Win Fast & PUZZLE |Best Checkmate Moves, Game Strategy & Ideas

Check out the Halosar Trap or the Ryder Gambit. This is another Chess Opening Trick to Win Fast. Plus, I also have an interesting Chess Puzzle for you. As you know, openings are the most exciting phase in the game of chess. There are various chess opening tricks, strategies, moves and ideas that you can use to win more games. In this video, I will show you all the Traps in the Blackmar Diemer Gambit Opening. I will share with you some amazing variations to fool your opponent & checkmate the black king in the first few moves. These secret tricks will help you in winning chess games against high-rated players.
If you have any questions, feel free to post them in the comments below. I will be happy to answer & help you out.

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Also, Check out my previous chess videos:
Stafford Gambit: Chess Opening TRICK to WIN Games Fast:
Fishing Pole Trap: Chess Opening TRICK to WIN Games Fast:
Legal’s Mate Trap: Secret Chess Opening TRICK to Win Fast:
How to Checkmate with 2 Bishops & a King:
Lasker Trap: Secret Chess Opening TRICK to Win Fast:
Blackburne Shilling Gambit: Secret Chess Opening Trick & Puzzle:
Poison Pawn Trap: Chess Opening Trick to Win Fast:
Tennison Gambit: 4 Secret Tricks to WIN FAST:
Fried Liver Attack: Secret Chess Opening TRICK to Win Fast:
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  1. Can you please find a trap like that for white

  2. The problem is opponent also watching this

  3. Pawn to C6,
    King takes knight
    King to G3

    Black cannot move their pieces effectively, only moving the king back and forth.
    Meanwhile, you can develop a queen

  4. What if moving king pawn… ahead…. clearing a way for bishop and exchanging king and elephant

  5. if the white queen takes the pawn at F3 why wouldn't
    blacks bishop move to G4 and attack the white queen. At the very least black would gain developing tempo.

  6. Hardly anyone has ever bit on the Ryder Gambit against me but I Love the name bro.

  7. Please make a video on how to defeat stockfish or atleast force it to draw …….many people have done so by nakmanhson…. Gambit

  8. Play white pawn to c6 then the black capture the knight only move then white can play Kg3 and take black pawn where as the black king remains trapped in the pawn wall and white can promote to queen

  9. Giving check to black is the best move which wins you the game

  10. c5-c6 + KxN then K – g3 black is trapped cannot move pawns cannot move bishop and king is stuck between a7- a8 as any other move puts him in check. White take h3 then moves out of the way and pushes to get a Queen – moves to b2 then mate next

  11. The answer of their puzzle is pawn to c 6

  12. pawn to c6, it will trap the black king there and then white king can capture pawn at h3, then proceed with the queen.

  13. The answer is pawn to c3 king will take the night and we can push our king then take his pawn then the king could not move anywhere and we can promote our pawn to queen.

  14. after capturing b7 from white queen what should we do if opponent plays Rd8

  15. Pawn to C6 Checking the King, The King Takes the Kinight but they are all permanently Trap. White Wins by eventually Developing the right Flank but by that time Black Resigns

  16. Agar king phir se d7 pe aa jaaye to kya karenge

  17. But Jitendra what if ur opponent played Bg4, instead of Qd4 what would you do ?

  18. we can get the pawn and get our pawn to the h8 posstion and get qeean and get the qeean to the h1that time knoug and goto the c7 to the c6 and we can get qeean to the b6 that is a check mate

    atiful check mate

  19. c5 pawn move to c6 then if the king eats c6 pawn the knight will eat the king

  20. Great technique but people above a certain rating don't fall for it. After the white Queen takes the pawn in the beginning, many players just play Nc6

  21. but in 5:21 the rook can move to d8 threating checkmate and trying to exchange rooks

  22. The thing is my opponents in 1100 don't see that the pawn is free to capture 😀

  23. Dude this is so helpful now I can defeat my friend so damn easilyyy…..

  24. P-B7ch KxKt wins because Black bishop is frozen, and Black king can only toggle between QR-1 and QR-2 while White frees his KR pawn and promises it…

  25. This worked to perfection!!! Thank you so very much!!! Victory in 9 moves !!! Wow

  26. But white king can capture the h2 pawn, then promote for queen?

  27. In given puzzel there is no way for white to win this game but white can play stalemate by following way…

    Okay so first of all advance the pawn of C-file and give a check to black…
    Black have to capture the A7 knight with king…..(The consequences after playing king to A8 as a black are even worst for black)….

    So after black king captures the knight …place white king to G1 square

    Now black have only one legal move that is king to A8….
    From here white can simply move king in H1 and G1 squares….

    And black is left for no options….so black is also forced to move king in A8 and A7 squares…..so it will be draw after threefold repeatation…

    If black tries to bring bishop in the game then it will be stalemate on the spot…..

    Nice puzzle❤

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