Episode 2 of High Probability Traps! Chess Traps to WIN Fast: Bishops Opening Tricks and Ideas

You will learn an amazing chess Opening Trick & Trap to Win Fast in the Bishops opening. This is an aggressive chess opening that will have your opponent in big trouble in no time.
Over 12,000 chess players have fallen for this opening chess trap and never saw the danger. This is truly an amazing chess tactic that you need to learn. I cover various chess opening strategies, tricks,
ideas, and moves that you can use to win more games. I will show you all the traps for white in this Bishop’s Opening variation. I will also show you the best chess tactics and ideas that white should be aware of and how to counter blacks best opening plans to gain an advantage in the opening. This trap is a high probability trap that will give you the chance to gain a strategic advantage right from the opening. This is a little known trick which has tremendous surprise value and is truly a secret chess trick that every beginner chess player as well as intermediate and advanced chess players should know.

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📗 Fundamental Chess Openings (FCO)
📘 Winning Chess Endings ​
📙 1001 Deadly Checkmates
📒 1001 Brilliant Ways to Checkmate

High Probability Opening Traps PLAYLIST:

Be sure to check out my other videos on chess opening tricks and traps below:

Sacrifice Queen and win in 8 moves! –
4 Clever Traps Against the Ruy Lopez! –
Blackburne Shilling Trap! –
Caro-Kann Traps! –

Try these traps out at chess.com: chess.com?ref_id=5885046