Do NOT stalemate! Play this… #chess #chesspuzzle #chessendgame

I love the rare chess tactics/tricks like this. How about you?


  1. if you have any questions part 2 is up hopefully it helps!

  2. How am i gonna find forced mate in 12 with only 2 bishops if im only 700-800 elo?💀

  3. Sack the bishop and promote to queen

  4. If he has a bishop to trade for 1 of your 2 bishops, you cannot force a mate

  5. promote to bishop and win basic

  6. First move is white bishop to f7 and i guarantee that i promote to everything😂😂😂

  7. It’s mate in fewer than 12 surely, right?

    Black has to immediately lose the bishop with 1. … Bf7. Any move on the a4-e8 diagonal loses to 2. Bf7 3. Be7#. And 1. … Bg6 or Bh5 loses to 2. Be7+ Ke8 3. Bb5#.

    So after 1. … Bf7 2. Be7+ Kg8 3. Bxf7+, I can’t imagine it takes 10 more moves to mate with 2 bishops against a lone king near the corner

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