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Chess tactics may seem complicated with over 50 different tactical motifs and thousands of chess tactical puzzles that you need to solve in order to learn/memorize these common tactical patterns. That’s why in this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov presents to you a simple, most comprehensive, and a complete chess tactics guide.
This guide is universal that will help you spot tactics in your games and also not to overlook tactics from your opponent. In this complete system, GM Igor Smirnov will walk you through the A-Z of chess tactics, break it down in to easy steps so that you can understand it fully.
Most chess players can easily spot tactics while solving puzzles because they already know that they have to look for tactics. While the same players fail to spot tactical shots in their own games. If you can relate to this, this complete chess tactics guide will help you spot tactics in your games within just seconds!
► Chapters
00:00 Comprehensive Chess Tactics Guide for Intermediates
00:38 What is chess tactics vs chess strategy?
00:57 How to find chess tactics in your games?
01:30 Precondition for tactics: Attacking move
03:22 1. Spotting weaknesses in opponent’s position
05:31 2. Candidate moves: checks, captures, threats
08:53 Example-2
10:53 Calculate/Play the most forcing move possible
12:04 No need to know all tactical motifs
12:43 Puzzle for you: can you find the win?
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► Chapters
00:00 Comprehensive Chess Tactics Guide for Intermediates
00:38 What is chess tactics vs chess strategy?
00:57 How to find chess tactics in your games?
01:30 Precondition for tactics: Attacking move
03:22 1. Spotting weaknesses in opponent's position
05:31 2. Candidate moves: checks, captures, threats
08:53 Example-2
10:53 Calculate/Play the most forcing move possible
12:04 No need to know all tactical motifs
12:43 Puzzle for you: can you find the win?
Last puzzle: 1.Q:d6 c:d6 2.Nf7. Either black plays Kg8 and we take on g5, and we won a piece, either rook takes on f7, then we have Re8 check, Rf8, R:f8 checkmate. This is why it was important to eliminate the bishop first, else the f8 square would have been guarded twice
1. Qxd6, cxd6, 2. Nf7+, Kg8, 3. Nxg5+, Kh8, 4. Nf7+, Kg8, 5. Nxd6, wins Bishop and a pawn.
Thanks Igor!! I am new to your content and its aready making a difference in my game.
Best chess instruction on YouTube!
Back rank mate or take the queen.
Nf7+ Rxf7
Rd8+ Rf8
Or if
Nf7+ Kg8
The second example ist really nice and it took me a few seconds to find the solution. Spectacular …
Very very instructive. Great job , this has helped me tremendously get my thought process down. Do you give private lessons?
Awesome, thank you!
My problem is that I can see that there’s a tactic I can do in-game and probably know how to start it, but not know all my opponent’s moves . End up wasting time to be down material lol
8:22 1R-e6 R-e8, 2R×Q R-Q, 3R×f6 R-e1+, 4 K-h2 R-a1
You've taught me so much over the last few years. Another great video. Thanks mate 🙂👍
11:34 – Rh3 check mate.
For the second one can rook h3 work?