Chess Novice Sacrifices Queen to win at Chess quickly

Hello all, my name is Phil a.k.a The Chess Noob.
I decided to make this channel in order to document my Chess journey from absolute beginner to (hopefully) chess mastery.
I will begin by saying that I am not a Chess Grand Master, nor International Master, nor Fide Master, I am simply someone who wishes to get better at chess. I thought it would be interesting to show the concepts of learning chess from the point of view of a beginner, and how the process of learning new tactics and ideas develops as I gain more knowledge and experience of the game.
I plan to show my journey, game by game, and also advise what resources and tools I use in order to improve my chess. Hopefully, you enjoy seeing this from the perspective of a fully-fledged chess noob, and who knows, perhaps you will learn something along the way too 😊

The Chess Noob on Social Media:


#Chess​ #YouTuber​ #Novice​ #Creator​ #ChessBeginner​ #ChessMatch #Queensacrifice #BotezGambit