#ChessChallenge – Solve This Chess Puzzle if You Are a Genius. In this chess video, I will show you an amazing chess composition wherein your objective as white is to checkmate the black king. This involves a lot of chess thinking in terms of tactics, strategy, moves & ideas. This is a unique chess problem where White has two queens and a king whereas, black has 6 rooks, a pawn & a king on the chessboard. Eventhough black is trapped between his own chess pieces, he still has an advantage. But still White can win this game. In this endgame, you need to find the best move continuation in which white can trap black and checkmate the black king. This is a really interesting & unique puzzle and you can learn some important chess concepts out of this brilliant endgame composition. The 2 common tactics to solve this are the pin & perpetual checks. I am sharing the solution as well, but I would suggest you challenge yourself & try solving this on your own to test your chess skills. I also have another interesting Chess Puzzle for you at the end of this video. Let’s see if you can solve that.
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#ChessTalk #JeetendraAdvani
Qh7 Nh7 Ng6 Kg8 Be6
we have queen h7 sacrifice check king cannot take because bishop is pinning to the king so knight takes now we can play knight g6 check he he is forced to play king g8 then bishop g6 is a checkmate..
Puzzle:- move knight to e1
1. If black queen move to e1 and try to kill knight then bishop kill the queen and gone.
2. Move knight to e6 and move queen to g7. The checkmate is unstoppable.
Answer 2nd puzzle Queen to h7 check black have to take with the black Knight to h7 than white Knight to g6 check black have to move his king to g8 and now Bishop to e6 is a beautiful checkmate
Queen h7
This is really very interesting puzzle
Queen's check on h7 black's knight is forced to capture the white queen then followed by knight's check and at last bishop's checkmate.
Knight to e6 then after some time no way to stop checkmate
Knight D5 cut pawn then black will cut the knight with its knight D5 then queen to E8 then check mate🤗
nh5 then n6xnh5 then qh7 checkmate
I did one round of this cricle type of checks and got tired and thought this is not how to solve the puzzle… I should have been little bit more patient
Queen h7 n h7 n G6 k G8 b e6
in 1:16 why pawn e6 cannot take the queen
Horse to D5 is the best move
Dancing queens
Good that you clarified this was not a position from a real game..
I solved this 👌 nice problem
Knight to d5 and i m fogging the queen and the black knight and then the kinght captures our knight we will simply give a queen ckeck on h7 and that is a beautiful checkmate
Queen to e8
queen to e8 , bishop protects the checkmate , queen capture and checkmate
Puzzle solution: Nxd5 Qb5 Nxf6 if black takes with the g pawn Qh7# if black takes with the bishop Qh7# is also a mate
Qh7+ Nxh7 Ng6+ Kg8 Be6#
Qh7+ Nxh7
Ng6+ Kg8
We need to do Qh7 to Checkmate
Qh7+Nxh7 Ngh+ Kg8 Be6#
Chess puzzle answer is knight f4 to d3
Knight to d-5
qh7 check then nxh7 then ng6 kg8and be6 is a beautiful checkmate
1.Qb7+ Rc6 2.Qa5#
Solution to puzzle: Qh7 taking the queen with the knight is forced for black,
then Ng6+ then black is forced to play Kg8,
Be6# is a forced checkmate.
Thank you for the amazing content!
White mates in 3:
Qh7+, N×h7
Ng6+, Kg8
Qh2+ Nxh2 Ng6+ Kg1 Be6#
Puzzle…. Knight to H5 is the best option for forceful checkmate trap
Puzzle Answer:Qh7+ Nxh7 Ng6+ Kg8 Be6#
Nxd5 knight is forced to take it and queen to h7 is a mate
And if knight does not capture knight then Nxf6 pawn captures knight Qh7+# checkmate 🎉
I found the solution to the puzzle Qh7!! Stunning Queen sacrifice. It is protected by the bishop so Kxh7 is forced, Kg6+ Kg8 is forced and Be6#
for the puzzle Qh7 Nxh7 Ng6+ Kg8 Be6#
Variation 1
Nh5 (white )
Nxh5 (Black )
Variation 2
Nh5 (white )
Kg8 (Black )
Qxg7 #(checkmate).
Answer to the puzzle : 1st , queen h7 check , then knight capture is forced on h7. Now , knight g6 check , then king g8 is forced . And finally the bishop to e6 is a checkmate.
This puzzle is so easy ♘ g6 forcing to take g6 and if he does'nt take g6 then ♕ g7 is a mate and ♛ h7 is a beautiful Checkmate
My solution
1. Qh7 then opponent capture queen
by knight h7
2. Kg6 then opponent king go g8
3. Be6 and checkmate
Queen to f7
Then whatever black plays , white can play Ng6
King is forced to move to h7
And knight takes bishop , king to h8
And Qf8 is a mate
Q h8+ Rc6 Qd7#
Qh7 king takes h7 knight g6 kg8 be6#
Ah yes the chess fortress with the most flaws
I think the answer is Qh7,Nh7,Ng6+,Kg8,Be6#.
Queen b7.
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