Best Chess Openings Against D4 | Black Strategy, Moves, Ideas, Tips, Tricks & Tactics to Win Games

Here are 8 chess opening strategies for Black against the queen pawn opening move, pawn to d4. I will show you the complete opening strategy, tactics, moves, ideas, tricks & traps to reply to 1.d4 & Win Fast. Openings are the most exciting phase in the game of chess. You need to very smart in your opening setup so that you can gain an advantage to win more games. I will also show you the best moves & ideas in which white can try to counter attack & how you can diffuse them to gain a significant advantage. These are some amazing variations for beginners to play against your opponent & increase your chances to checkmate him. These opening systems will help you in winning chess games against your friends & other players who have not seen such openings before. I also have an interesting Chess Puzzle for you at the end of this video. Let’s see if you can solve that.

0:01 Introduction to 1.d4
0:12 Thank you for 500k subscribers
0:29 White’s idea behind d4
1:43 Best Move Options after 1.d4
2:06 Chess Opening #1: Nimzo Indian Defense
3:26 Chess Opening #2: Queen’s Indian Defense
4:20 Chess Opening #3: Bogo-Indian Defense
5:07 Chess Opening #4: King’s Indian Defense
6:06 Chess Opening #5: Grunfeld Defense
6:48 Chess Opening #6: Benoni Defense
8:02 Chess Opening #7: Queen’s Gambit Declined (QGD opening)
8:42 Chess Opening #8: Semi-slav Defense
9:35 Chess Puzzle

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Chess Opening Tricks & Traps in Queen’s Gambit Accepted:
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Tennison Gambit: 4 Secret Tricks to WIN FAST:
#ChessTalk #JeetendraAdvani


  1. For the puzzle, the move is Ng5+ forking the king and queen.

    If black plays fxg5, Rh8 is mate.

    If they move Kg7 or Kh6, the knight captures the queen.

  2. I like to play 1…Nf6 against d4, but sometimes my opponent plays Trompowsky attack and I lose most of the time

  3. Knc5+,f×d5, Rh8+ and game is gone for black

  4. Simply bishop to f6 and after that rook to h8

  5. Ng5 check if king moves u take queen if pawn takes Rh8 mate

  6. KID is my favorite! It gives you so many chances and leads to such interesting positions!

  7. Puzzle
    Ng5+ he hast to capture with fxg5 or else he loses his queen
    If he takes then Rh8#

  8. Maybe you could have included the Dutch defence as well as the Budapest or Englund gambits. Video was ok, probably most helpful for people under 1400.

  9. check on king with knight….folking the queen and king black takes knight checkmate with rook

  10. knight G5 forking and queen, he'll definitely take it with pawn G5, then rook h8 is the mate

  11. Rh8 check opponent king h8 capture the Rook after Kg5 check and capture queen.🙃

  12. Kings Indian and for puzzle Ng5+ and next fxg5 ,Rh8#

  13. The best move for white here is to play Ng5 forking the king and queen ,after which black will obviously take with his pawn and then comes a brilliant move Rh8+ after which black has to move his queen and then the Rxh3 and picks up opponents queen and then it is a totally winning position for white

  14. After 1.d4 and Nf6 are played if 2.e4 instead of c4 is played are you forced into the pirc/KID with d6 or is there another move to be played by black in response to e4

  15. It’s a mate in 2, Bxf6, then Rh8#. If black goes Qh1+ then its a mate in 3.

    There’s also another mate in two, I didn’t see it but a comment suggested Kg3+, black has to take with the pawn opening up the bishop then one again its Rh8#. This way is better since its a faster win, black can’t go Qh1+.

  16. Really good video. Just starting out in chess, so it is so much to process. I think I naturally play some of these defenses. At my lower 600+ rating I can get away with instinct and strategy, hoping my opponent makes mistakes like me along the way. But I imagine I will have to really learn these defenses as my rating grows.

  17. Thank you sir for this video… The answer for this puzzle is to place ng5+ fxg5
    For Ng5 if they did not not take their queen is gone

  18. Puzzle answer: Ng5 check he have to capture the Pawn as it is a fork for queen and king fxg5 then here comes Rh8#

  19. night g5 is the best forcing move black ×g5 white plays rook h8 chack mate

  20. You can also use the Budapest Gambit, no?

  21. The Solution to Puzzle
    Ng5 (forking king and queen)
    If black captures with pawn to g5 then Rh8++ Checkmate
    If black doesn't capture then we can simply pick up the sweety and boss the game

  22. Bononi is a word in hebrew that mean My unfortunate child. Than I watch an analyze that its call like that because weakness that black have.
    Where is the weakness?

  23. Thank you for 500k subs 🙂

    Which is your Favorite Chess Opening?

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