ALL Chess Tactics Explained |Chess Strategy, Moves, Ideas & Basics for Beginners| How to Play Chess

As you know, chess is 10% strategy & 90% tactics. In this video, Jeetendra Advani covers 24 major tactics that every chess player must know. He will show you examples of all the important moves and ideas that chess beginners must know. He will also share some checkmate patterns and tactics alongwith some sacrifice tactics. If you are new to chess, then you should first check out his ‘How to Play Chess’ video here:
This video covers all the rules of chess.
Chess Tactics Video Timestamps:
0:04 Chess Strategy vs Tactics
0:32 Fork
1:16 Pins
1:39 Absolute pins
1:52 Relative pins
2:14 Skewer
2:47 Discovered Attack
3:13 Discovered check
3:31 Discovered double check
4:00 Windmill
4:30 Interference
4:58 Overloading
5:35 Deflecting
6:08 Decoy
7:13 X-Ray Attack
8:07 Zugzwang
8:39 Zwischenzug or Desperado
9:13 Undermining
9:38 Forcing a Stalemate
10:14 Perpetual Checks
10:56 Underpromoting
11:36 Queen Sacrifice
12:04 Exchange Sacrifice
12:25 Clearance Sacrifice
13:06 Exposing Hanging Pieces
13:33 Trapping a Piece
14:05 Support Mate
14:23 Smothered Mate
15:02 Back-rank Mate
15:26 Chess Puzzle

At the end of this video is an interesting chess puzzle to test your understanding of these tactics. Let’s see if you can solve that.

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How to Checkmate with 2 Bishops & a King:
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Poison Pawn Trap: Chess Opening Trick to Win Fast:
Tennison Gambit: 4 Secret Tricks to WIN FAST:
#ChessTalk #JeetendraAdvani


  1. first knight to h6 then if the black king moves to h7, the queen to b1 and check mate for black

  2. We use the tactic of deflection to remove that bishop and give a fork of king and queen

  3. 1:01 ez way to escape- bishop to e8 giving check- then move your knight away to protect it ;), thank me later

  4. your chess puzzle are just amazing… upload more videos

  5. the decoy tactic ended up with a anatasia mate, I recommend to watch the video of chesstalk 32 mate patterns you must know

  6. Fist queen f6 capturing the bishop. If black plays any other move then queen g7 is mate. If he takes with the pawn then night e7 is a fork and with can easily win the game. Am i right

  7. Gracias por este video informativo.

  8. Thanks for your wonderful video… My son and I both get benefitted and I shared it among many to learn and improve such a fantastic game

  9. It is Chan's for horse and check mate the king now it move then capcher it's queen 👸and win game .👑🎊🎉😁👍👌🌹💐

  10. Had to subscribe. How can you not support this guy!

  11. Best white move that I see from here: Queen @ F6.

  12. Puzzle solution: knight e7
    If king moves to h8, then queen b8 and if it moves again, then queen b1
    If king moves to h8, then queen b1, and if it moves again, then queen b8

  13. Queen g6 then fork knight e7 and then take the queen.

  14. Queen takes f6 if pawn takes f6 then knight e7 check which is a fork and is winnable with white.

  15. I would sacrifice knight. Queen to b8. If they play king to h8 they're still in check. If they move king to h7 I move queen to g8. back ranks checkmate.

  16. 1.Qxf6 gxf6 2.Ne7 Forky forky, Kf8 3. Nxe5 gains 3 point material.

  17. Queen to d6 knight protecting the queen then the black queen will probably respond with e6 knight to e7 the bishop will eat the knight queen to h6 eating the pawn the king will go to f8 queen to h8 king to e8 queen to f8 king to d7 queen to c8 king to d6 queen to c6 king to e5 queen e4 king to d6 queen to b7 and a lot more to continue

  18. Best move for white is taking black bishop with queen.if black takes with pawn,then knight moves to e7 there is a double fork to both king and queen.

  19. Queen to capture bishop and give check with knight and capture queen

  20. I'm shocked how I did the puzzle in bare 15 seconds as a 900 elo.

  21. queen sacrifice taking f6 bishop, after pawn take white queen, knight can simply deliver a check on e7 and here is a fork for white to take black black queen

  22. Imao theres a hidden checkmate for white if he relatively pins knight with black queen so on the contrary it would be a terrible to to take the queen here if black knight moves

  23. solution to puzzle: White queen captures black bishop on f6 then black pawn recaptures white queen on f6 finally white knight moves to e7 resulting in fork of king and queen thus only move for black to move his king then white knight captures black queen on d5 hence being up in material a.k.a winning continuation

  24. So far everything I try they still beat me… but it’s nice to watch

  25. Chess Tactics Timestamps:
    0:04 Chess Strategy vs Tactics

    0:32 Fork

    1:16 Pins

    1:39 Absolute pins

    1:52 Relative pins

    2:14 Skewer

    2:47 Discovered Attack

    3:13 Discovered check

    3:31 Discovered double check

    4:00 Windmill

    4:30 Interference

    4:58 Overloading

    5:35 Deflecting

    6:08 Decoy

    7:13 X-Ray Attack

    8:07 Zugzwang

    8:39 Zwischenzug or Desperado

    9:13 Undermining

    9:38 Forcing a Stalemate

    10:14 Perpetual Checks

    10:56 Underpromoting

    11:36 Queen Sacrifice

    12:04 Exchange Sacrifice

    12:25 Clearance Sacrifice

    13:06 Exposing Hanging Pieces

    13:33 Trapping a Piece

    14:05 Support Mate

    14:23 Smothered Mate

    15:02 Back-rank Mate

    15:26 Chess Puzzle
    Don't forget to share the tactics in the puzzle 🙂

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