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In today’s chess video, we’ll look at 2 of the toughest chess puzzles/problems I’ve ever seen. This involves a lot of chess thinking in terms of strategy, tactics, moves & ideas so, 99% chess players can’t solve this. Try solving these chess problems if you are a Genius and if you do manage to find the solutions, let me know in the comments. In the first problem, white can win the game inspite of being down in material & in the second puzzle, white can draw eventhough black is way ahead. Chess Challenge – We’ll be looking at the solutions as well, but you should try it on your own to test your chess skills & talent. These exercises will help beginners to improve & get better at finding the best moves in different positions on the chessboard. I also have an interesting chess puzzle at the end of this video, let’s see if you can solve that.
Video Chapters:
0:00 Puzzle #1: Chess Problems & Solutions
4:10 About BetterHelp
5:18 Puzzle #2: Chess Problems & Solutions
8:49 Chess Puzzle – Can You Solve it?
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#ChessTalk #JeetendraAdvani #ChessPuzzles #ChessChallenge
Are you indian
I like your voice and teaching estersi 😂😂 sorry my English is weak
My brother's name is जीतेंद्र
Rf4 kf4 Rf5
Qa8 Qd4 Re3#
i found it
🤗Thanks so much u are really helpful 🤗
7:06 white wins by checkmate c4 then b3#
9:06 Qa8 and then Nc5
Qc2 checking the king, black Is forced to the block with queen, and white queen captures black queen on d3 to become a beautiful check mate
Rook to E3..then pawn to b5.. doesn't matter what he plays bcz the king not have any squares to escape..
Night(b7) -> (c5) check than queen or rook takes this night and than Pone(b4) -> (c5) discover queen check and mate unstoppable
answer to the puzzle
rook f3 takes pawn f4
black king has to take the rook, so king f4
now rook moves from h5 to f5 and it is game over
Second Puzzle:
Move Knight from e7 to f5 and then mo e the rock from f3 to e3 then its done.
the answer is Qa8
The solution for bonus puzzle is queen to a8, then black queen moves to D4, then rook to E3 is a mate
The answer to the last puzzle is Qa8, no matter what black plays, then we will deliver checkmate on the next move.
Its qa8 it was offered to magnus carlsen
You are one of the best chess teachers. One question, I notice that all of the ending puzzles on this entire channel are for white, can you give us a puzzle for black please? I want to solve a puzzle for black.
Sorry sir but if I was the black I don't have any problem in sacrificing Queen because then with help of king I can turn both my ponds in to Queen by later sacrificing that side pord
Qa8 qd4 re3#
Oueen (a4)to(a8)
Checkmate in two moves
White: Rook e3
Black: king d4
White: b5
Move the queen on h8 then g8
Queen a8 if black randomly moves rook, we mate with the knight on f5 or e6, same with queen
But if black controls f5 and e6 with queen e4, we mate with the rook on d3 double check and before the king could run to e4 but queen is in e4
Solve to tab karenge jab board dikhega us par to English words use kar rakhe hein yr 😠
Bro my queen runaway with the bishop how i checkmate🤣🤣
The solution is Qa8 and depending on what black plays Nc5 or Nd6 is mate
queen=C2 and rock=G5
Queen to A3 next e3
Knight goes to c5 either rook Or queen takes take it back with pawn on b4
1. Rook to e3(the pawn can't take because of a double check) ,the king goes d4
2. We push the b pawn forward and that's a beautiful checkmate#
Rook h3 is mate in 1 right
At 2:20 you can move queen to f2 and black queen has to defend by blocking the check and capture his queen and this is checkmate
qc2 then queen blocks then qc3 mate
Puzzle: 9:05
1. Nc5 , Qxc5 or Rxc5 forced
2. bxc5# mate
1) Pawn to b5 (discovered check by queen)
Black moves Either rook or queen to defend the check.
2) Knight to c5 checkmate.
Check and confirm if it works.
white rook to e3 double check, black king to d4, then rook to e4
Chess talk is best
Answer of puzzle is rook to b3 after ब्लैक is forced to play f3 and we take the पावन it is checkmate
Sorry pawn
r c3/ f3/bxf3
1.Qa4 Rc7 2.Nd6#
In the second puzzle, if white had a knight on f8, it would actually be a mate in 4. Solve it.
Last puzzle (8:53) solution:
1. Re3+ Kd4 or c6 (doesn't matter, same continuation)
2. b5#