Everyone makes mistakes in chess, especially new players just learning the game. Today we look at the Top 5 mistakes that players of all skill levels make. I will tell you various chess opening tricks, strategies, moves, tips, tactics, ideas & traps that beginners can use to win more games. Plus, I also have an interesting Chess Puzzle for you. As a chess enthusiast, I analyse chess games regularly. That’s why I can tell you that there are a few most common mistakes & blunders, which most players make. So in this chess lesson, I am going to show you the 5 Biggest Mistakes Chess Players Make often. I will share with you some amazing chess games to demonstrate how chess players make blunders while making their moves. If you avoid these typical mistakes, it will help you in winning chess games against high-rated players.
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Also, Check out my previous chess videos:
Siberian Trap: Chess Opening TRICK to WIN Games Fast:
Halosar Trap: Chess Opening TRICK to WIN Games Fast:
Stafford Gambit: Chess Opening TRICK to WIN Games Fast:
Fishing Pole Trap: Chess Opening TRICK to WIN Games Fast:
Legal’s Mate Trap: Secret Chess Opening TRICK to Win Fast:
How to Checkmate with 2 Bishops & a King:
Lasker Trap: Secret Chess Opening TRICK to Win Fast:
Blackburne Shilling Gambit: Secret Chess Opening Trick & Puzzle:
Poison Pawn Trap: Chess Opening Trick to Win Fast:
Tennison Gambit: 4 Secret Tricks to WIN FAST:
Fried Liver Attack: Secret Chess Opening TRICK to Win Fast:
#ChessTalk #JeetendraAdvani
Knight to h7 by killing pow in front of king
I really get frustrated by opponents please help clearly
puzzle Nxh7, Kxh7,Qh5+,Kg8,Rxf8+,Kxf8,Qh8# OK I see my mistake
I do all of these mistakes
F6 to d7
The mistake 6 which you said was exactly what I did. I was in a very dominating position but then I forgot to see the other half of the board when my opponent check-ed me and as I tried to capture the check, my king moved into another check leading to a defeat. I regret it so badly that even though I keep telling myself that to err is human, I don't seem to forget even an ounce of it.
Where is the solution to puzzle
My answer for the puzzle is move knight from e5 to d7 it will protect the queen
Move the e5 knight to g6 and it will be a check black can't move anywhere so he is forced to take the knight with the pawn and next comes a queen sacrifice we will move it to h6 so black took the queen because it is forced and there comes rook h7 check and it is a beautiful checkmate
Ng6+, pawn takes
Qh6+ pawn takes queen
Rh7 check mate
Qh6 ,pawn takes
Rh7 checkmate if pawn does n't take then Qh7 is check mate
First queen on h6 sacrifice and rook to h7 and thats the cheakmate
Sir please put the video of Vienna gambit user opponents play like a fool moves and how to punish it,and Vienna gambit dicline veriation how to win vienna gambit user play to win aggressively
Qh6 g×h6 r×h7
Don't display subtitles it's blocking to see board
Qh6 – g7
I always gets fucked up in these cases !
knight to d7 is best move
2:12 Queen to h2 check and we can win the knight on d6 😀
6f to 7d
G6 to f8
Then. F5 to G7. Then
It's check mate🤔🤔
Rook to G7
Queen to h6 then rook to h7
Thank you so much Sir 😊
Wow I just did all of them 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Queen moved to h6 it is forced to take the queen with pawn then rook goes to h7 which is mate for balck
Knight to d7
First sacrifice the queeeeen by h6 pawn takes and rook to h7 is a beautiful checkmate
Hindi md bolle bhais abhi log English me bolrehe
Ng6+ hxg6(forced), Qh6+ fxh6(forced), Rh7#
Knight g6 from white then opponent takes the knight and after queen h6 it's perfect check mate
Queen h6 knight G6
Perfect points of winning. Thank you dear friend.
thank you so much
rxf8 and then rook takes, we fork queen & rook
Queen h6 is the move if black takes the queen the rook will deliver checkmate or if no one takes the queen then we can deliver checkmate with the queen on h7
My Biggest Mistake in My Chess Battle, I Put My King in the Corner and Sacrificing My Two Knights☠️
1.Ng6+ hg6 2.Qh6+ gh6 3.Rh7#
Ng6+ hxg6 qh6 gxh6 rh7#
My biggest mistake is moving pieces with no plan
It may be a trap
By putting queen to h6 if he captures with pawn than we will capture his h7 pawn with our rook and it would be a checkmate
Sir, the answer is Rxbf8 , Rxrf8 , Ng8 , Rxng8 , Nf7# – smothered mate
Ng6 ch, PxN (forced); Qh6 ch, PxQ (forced), Rh7 (mate)
1.Qe6 ne2+ 2.kh1 gxh6 3.rxh6#
Ktg6 check, PXKt;
Qh6 check, PXQ;
Rh7 checkmate!!
It's knight to g6 – check. So, black needs to play forced move pawn captures knight. Then queen to h6 – check again & black needs to play again the forced move pawn catures queen.
Finally rook to h7 & it's check and mate.